Saturday 6 August 2022

Common Dermatological Concerns That Need The Help Of A Dermatologist Doctor

 Being the most exposed body organ the skin, hair, and nails can get effective by various extrinsic as well as intrinsic factors that can affect one's health and lead to developing various diseases. One can consult a dermatologist to get relief from these issues with the advent of proper diagnosis and treatment.

Who is a dermatologist?

A dermatologist is a medical doctor who specializes in treating the skin, hair, and nails. They also treat conditions that affect the delicate tissue that lines the nose, mouth, and eyelids. A dermatologist can also help recognize the signs and symptoms of serious underlying health issues beyond these medical and cosmetic issues. Dermatologists care for people of all ages, from newborns to seniors.

As the dermatologist has proper knowledge of the skin, hair, nail, and overall functioning of the body, they can help one to achieve disease-free skin, hair, and nail health by determining the root cause of the concern, shares, Dr. Rasya Dixit. She is known as the best dermatologist in Bangalore and practices at her fully equipped and popular dermatology clinic, Dr. Dixit's Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic.

Following are the common dermatological concerns that people often face and require the help of a dermatologist to get them treated effectively:

1. Acne: Acne is the most prevalent skin condition. It causes various discolorations on the face. They may include whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, and deep cysts. These often form because oil glands in the skin produce too much of a substance called sebum.

Acne is common among teenagers, but anyone can get it at any age. Blemishes are typically noticed on the face, neck, back, chest, and shoulders. Acne is not life-threatening, but it can be upsetting. It can also leave permanent scars without proper treatment. Treatment for acne in Bangalore is offered at Dr. Dixit's Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic which includes over-the-counter creams and gels, oral medications, chemical peels, and laser therapy. These treatments are very much effective and help people achieve smooth acne-free skin.

2. Eczema: Eczema is an umbrella term for several chronic skin conditions that cause inflammation of the skin. It can be very excruciating and heartbreaking. It usually causes red, swollen, dry, and itchy skin. This commonly affects babies and children. Kids may develop a rash on their cheeks and other parts of their bodies. The rash can exude some liquid. Children may have difficulty sleeping because of itchiness. Dermatologists in Bangalore, Dr. Rasya Dixit can diagnose eczema with particular tests and a skin exam. Over-the-counter and prescription creams and other medicines can relieve the condition. Proper skin care is important as well.

3. Psoriasis: Psoriasis comes from a problem with the immune system. This causes skin cells to form prematurely. They can be broad and red and have silvery scales. They can be irritating or hurtful. They generally appear on the elbows, knees, legs, face, and scalp. Sometimes they are on the bottom of the feet. They can be visible on the fingernails, genitals, or inside the mouth, but this is rare. Dermatologists can diagnose psoriasis by examining a skin sample under a microscope. Creams can help soothe the skin and help it regenerate. Treatment may also include oral medication to repress the overactive immune system.

4. Signs of Aging: Skin changes with the aging process. A candidate may notice wrinkles, dryness, or discolorations, often called age spots. The sun's harmful ultraviolet rays can accelerate and intensify these signs of aging. Wearing sunscreen can help put a stop to more sun damage. Not smoking and eating a healthy diet can also shield the skin. There are many treatments to help reduce wrinkles and tighten the skin. Best anti-aging treatments are offered by Dr. Rasya Dixit, a skin doctor in Bangalore to help give the skin a more youthful look including chemical peels, laser therapy, Botox injections, RF, IPL, thread lift, and wrinkle fillers.

5. Skin Cancer: Skin cancer is the most frequent type of cancer. It is also the easiest cancer to cure if diagnosed early. However, melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer. Several warning signs should direct a dermatologist’s visit. They include growths in the skin that change in size, shape, color, thickness, or texture. A dermatologist checks spots on the skin that constantly scab, crust, itch, hurt, or bleed. Regular checkups are also important. A dermatologist should evaluate your skin at least once a year for signs of skin cancer.

6. Hair Loss: Most people shed up to 100 hair strands every day. Still, bald patches or thinning hair could be an indication of a problem. It can also be an inherited condition. A dermatologist may do blood tests and examine a sample of tissue from the scalp under a microscope to find the cause of hair loss. Medications, laser treatments, and surgical procedures are the options available at Dr. Dixit's Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic, the best dermatology clinic in Bangalore that could help minimize the appearance of hair loss or restore growth.

7. Rosacea: Rosacea is a persistent skin condition that can also affect the eyes. Redness is usually seen on the nose, cheeks, and chin. It might spread to the ears and chest, too. Sometimes, skin bumps and swelling may also occur. People with lighter skin tones have a higher risk of developing rosacea. It may occur when blood vessels broaden too quickly. This could be due to heat, exercise, sunlight, wind, cold, spicy foods, alcohol, or stress. These factors may also make symptoms worse. Yet, medication, laser therapy, and lifestyle changes can help sway symptoms.

8. Varicose and Spider Veins: Varicose veins are inflamed, distorted, and painful veins that form when valves in the veins become weak. These veins often look puffed and generally develop on the legs. They can increase the risk of blood clots and skin inflammation. The possibility of having varicose veins increases with age, being overweight, and by following an inactive lifestyle. Spider veins usually look like a network of thin red or blue lines on the skin. They are more of a cosmetic issue than a serious health issue. A lack of blood, hormonal changes, sun exposure, or injury can lead to spider veins. Dermatologist Dr. Rasya Dixit offers an effective treatment to manage these issues by injecting a special chemical into a problematic vein to make it fade away.

9. Infection: Skin infections are caused by yeast, fungus, viruses, or bacteria and need treatment from a dermatologist. The fungus can lead to nagging and itchy problems, such as athlete's foot. Viruses can cause blisters and herpes. Bacterial infections of the skin can become serious if not treated with antibiotics. Parasites, such as lice and mites, can also cause infectious and itchy skin conditions. A dermatologist can diagnose the origin of the infection and decide how best to treat it.

10. Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac: Poison ivy, oak, and sumac are plants that incorporate an oily allergen known as urushiol. Contact causes an itchy and blistering rash. Symptoms can take up to 72 hours to become visible after contact. Many people think these rashes are contagious, but they are not. The rash goes away after 1 to 3 weeks. Some people have serious allergic reactions that require treatment. Sometimes, continuous scratching and open blisters can result in a more serious bacterial infection. Dermatologists can treat poison ivy, oak, or sumac with prescription creams or oral medications.

If one is experiencing any skin, hair, and nail infection they must consult a dermatologist to get it effectively treated. For more information about these issues and their treatment, book a visit with the skin expert in Bangalore Dr. Rasya Dixit today!

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